Our Story

Raul Popadineți
6 Aug, 2020 • 2 min read
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

It all starts with frustration or a problem. All the great products that we use and love started this way. You solve your issue first, and then you go out there and see if anybody else has the same problem. If you run after profit first, it’s almost always going to fail.

Back in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard, we started looking for new opportunities. It was hard to find something that was genuinely remote, and transparent about the hiring process, the company culture, and the salary.

There are only a handful of remote companies out there that we’ve seen match the criteria. Basecamp is probably the role model in this area with their beautifully written job openings.

Joining the numerous job boards and platforms out there might fill in all the holes. Some are focusing on remote jobs within a particular geographic area. Nobody seems to enforce a salary or define the interview process. These are critical elements for a person on the lookout for a new remote gig.

From a company’s perspective, it’s tough to have to pay a decent amount of money for something that you might or might not get. Finding the right candidate is not 100% guaranteed by anybody. You pay at least $200 for an ad. On top of that, there are all these pestery marketing strategies where you have to add extra money if you want your company logo to show up or become featured or highlighted.

What happened to keeping things simple and fair for everybody? Why should one company get the luxury of always staying on top just because they can afford to pay $600+ for a job post while others don’t?

On the 1st of June, we officially launched our remote job board on ProductHunt. It was built by a small family startup in less than three months.

With Fair Remote, we want to offer equal opportunity for every company, and that’s why we have a fixed price without any “sprinkles” on top: $199 for a 30-day job post — first in, first out offer a monthly subscription for unlimited job posts. If you're on a budget you can use the platform for free, and post one 10-day job post each month.

Through our platform, we want to address all these unfair points:

  • Hire from anywhere by default. Remote does not mean restricting the opportunities to hiring from a single country. We want to promote companies that can employ from everywhere or, at the minimum, limited to only one continent.
  • No paying extra for being featured, highlighted, or including the company logo. We treat everybody equally, and we will always add your logo.
  • Job description transparency by requiring a salary and encouraging companies to describe the interview process so all candidates can know upfront what to expect.

We’re curious to get everybody’s feedback on how we can make the remote job posting world a better place by contributing to this lovely community, especially now during these tough times.

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